What Does a Bear Symbolize?
What Does a Bear Symbolize?
Bear is considered a dangerous animal. It is not a carnivore but it does attack humans when it feels in danger. A native to Asia, the Arctic, Europe, and Russia, we can see bears in two or three colors which are black, white, and brown. We might also have heard the story of two friends and one of them played dead to save himself from the bear and the bear did not eat him. This might not be true because the bear will attack in case it feels threatened. They do not care if the human has a gun or several guns, they will hold their ground for what's important to themselves. Probably the kids and his area.
So the bear is courageous, protective, strong, noble, ferocious, curious, and calm. We also use stuffed teddies to gift to kids and to gift them to our significant half on Valentine's Day. The reason is it's cuddly, cute, and adorable. But to define a bear as a spirit animal is what we humans do to feel somewhat similar to this wild animal.
If someone matches the quality of a bear we say that his spirit animal is a bear. It is also a personality trait and many psychologists use this to predict the behavior and inner wiring of a patient.
There is a huge kingdom of animals that signifies their qualities and assigns them to people as their spirit animals. In this Kingdom, the bear signifies strength and grounding force. A powerful companion for inner and outer healing. It has been used by the tribal peoples as a symbol to rise to adversities. To hold your ground and be courageous in every situation.
Those having a bear as their spirit animal are profound in the following qualities:
Never giving up
Those having bears as their spirit animals tend to be strong physically as well as mentally. Bears are quite fast even1096 with their large size. Black and brown bears are seen to have up to 30mph speed. This depicts agility even with the size and weight of a bear.
The agility part in humans can be seen as the burden of responsibility that they're carrying as weight and still being fast and have immense strength.
Bears use their strength and mobility for searching food, climbing trees, digging their dens, and hunting for fish. They use this quality to defend themselves also. Their brute strength is the unfair advantage given by nature to them.
You are as strong as your thoughts
The bear recalls your strength. It signifies that you have immense strength in yourself and you are as strong as you think you are. The only limitation is your mindset and of course the action. The bear spirit animal also signifies that diplomacy, talking it through cannot be the solution to every problem. Sometimes you have to exert force and show everyone what you are made of. The world is a big jungle and to squander off the opportunist that is looking for a way to feed on you. You have to show them that you're strong and it is of no use to mess with you.
Bear spirit animals also remind you that the strength you have should not always be used aggressively and you must have a gentle nature to balance out this ferocity.
You must be patient to achieve your goals in life. Those having bears as their spirit animal have a lot of patience in them. You need to be patient if you want to achieve something. We need to be patient with our surroundings, ourselves, and others. Because with strength comes anger and anger always destroys us. To take control of the anger, we need to practice patience. The art of balancing being a strong person as well as being patient is a must and every person should have this.
Bears generally hibernate in the winter (black and brown ones). They do not eat the whole winter which exemplifies their patience and their endurance.
People must be patient in their personal life, professional life, and social life.
Who's having whereas their spirit animals tend to be ferocious when the situation demands. For example, if a situation arrives and you have no other options, you have tried being courteous, friendly, and patient, but nothing worked and now the next party or problem is on your head. Now you have two options whether to give up or to fight. This does not have to be a real fight like hand-to-hand combat but can be a moral fight. But you have to be ferocious this time as everything you have worked on is depending on this very moment and what you do now will decide your future. The bear spirit animal signifies “act as if”. Act as if your life depends upon it. Because the human mind always finds some excuses and our mind does not want any friction and conflict. It will try to find the easy way out but you have to see that there is no easy way out right now. You have to show ferocity and get the results. It is important to show strength so that no one takes you lightly and it is established that although you have a gentle nature you can be ferocious when the situation demands. Even if you are fearful you have to get up, even if you are nervous just show that you're not, have the might, and act mighty. You will be mighty. That is the formula.
You might have heard the phrase Mama bear and Papa bear. A mother bear will go to any lengths to protect its cub. The father bear will fight to the death to protect its cub. You have to protect what's yours as in this world everyone wants to have what's not theirs. You can only defend And protect what's yours. The ones you love be your family member your friends your ideals your values or your vision for the future. You have to protect them at every cost because you will face difficulties in life and everything you have tried to build will be in danger. So what's the solution? Be courageous and protective of what you hold dear. Be ready to do anything for that. Be ferocious for what you love. Protect what's yours which includes your space whether it's your home or your personal space. It is yours and only you can protect it. Everyone has to fight their own battle. The help might not come when needed you have to make yourself so strong that you can take any challenge head on. There is a psychological benefit to this. Even when we think about what we love and hold dear if it's going to be taken away from us we are filled with pure rage and we are bound to do anything to contain this. We don't want to lose our dear ones or our dreams, we keep clinging to them but this also motivates us to action and for preparation. Some might say that attachment and clinging to something is a bad trait. But it does have its benefits. You get the power to act when you think it is for your dream or your loved ones. You have to protect it.
We need the courage to do what seems impossible as everything seems impossible until it's done. To break your comfort zone, you have to be courageous and willing to risk failure and embarrassment along with other things. Those having a bear as their spirit animal are full of courage and they love to experience new things. The ability to break your comfort zone makes you courageous even if it's just the simple things. The things that matter most fill you up with courage you even have a slight thought of losing them. You will do whatever it takes to protect them. We often feel courageous when we have made a lot of mistakes and we have learned from them and always gotten up from them. The ability to learn from our mistakes makes us human. We have heard stories of courage from prehistoric era till date. Maharana Pratap cut down a general along with the horse. A major shooting down the enemy even then half burnt from the previous blast. Some real incidents might boost you up with courage but The thing is you have to inculcate this in your life. A bear spirit animal might struggle with courage but often finds courage in the times needed and is always filled with certain confidence which is the byproduct of courage.
Never giving up
A bear spirit animal tends to not give up until they have exhausted all the options. This might not seem very motivating but it is the truth that we generally do not practice all our options and if we fail in a single aspect we just gave up on the whole scenario. The bear mentality is quite opposite. In a jungle, every situation is a do or die. This mentality helps them a lot and makes them fearless. Because of its strength comes responsibility with the responsibility comes courage and patience. And with all this comes the attitude to never give up in the face of adversity. Those resembling a bear spirit animal are responsible and they tend to not give up and give that extra effort to try once more and try to achieve the goal. The world is full of people and there are many similarities among us. But the ones who are performing extraordinarily have this attitude and do not give up. It is not easy as I said before that the mind is our greatest obstacle in this. It always finds the easy route because it does not want to do the work. This is understandable because the mind is always on the run and it does need to take a few shortcuts and requires the much-needed rest. But The thing is that we can fool this mind by developing such an attitude that Trump's our mind or at least that feeling of giving up. We always feel that we deserve the most but we tend to not work towards it. Because our mind gives us this assumption that by thinking it we are doing it. It becomes happy and gives us dopamine and endorphin but when it comes to taking the action it lacks that will because it thinks that it is outside our comfort zone and we should not experience new things because that might bring in bad experiences. So we should invoke our bear spirit animal and never give up on the things that matter the most to us keep on struggling, keep on fighting.
A bear spirit animal mentality has this noble aura and we can see that the person is quite humble and noble. They don't get into others' matters and tend to be quite peacefully. The only problems become when someone tries to harm them then they are a monster. Otherwise, the bear does not care for anything other than what's important to them. To live freely and let others live freely is their main model and which defines their nobility.
Being noble is a single trait that a human should also look for. Because being noble, humble, and kind makes a person grounded in their roots. You cannot let others manipulate you and take advantage of you. You should trust people carefully but never that you are not trusting anyone or you're distrusting everyone. So let everyone do what their heart wants. Of course, don't let them do bad things, that's also your responsibility to correct them. But don't get into people's matters if it does not concern you or if it's not harming anyone you should be able to welcome it with an open heart. A bear spirit animal will always have this trait as it forms a still basic personality which is strength, responsibility, and nobility. We need to be considerate of others' feelings and try not to hurt anyone. Of course, there are exceptions to everything. You cannot be humble and noble to a person who is evil and does not reciprocate those feelings. You have people and your values and principle to protect. Be humble but you should never loosen up too much.
A bear is considered cute and cuddly which is why we give teddy bears to little kids. A bear spirit animal is always just a balanced person. You can see that the bear has it all. The mind of a fox, the strength of a lion, agility like a cheetah, the kindness of a cow, the ferocity of a wild elephant, and you can compare it with almost any animal and you will find that the most balanced animal would be a bear. When it comes to a person the cuteness is always subjective but they are generally cute by nature which states a lot. On a psychiatric level, there might be some aspects missing but for someone to be called a bear spirit, there are essential checkpoints that are bound to have. Bear spirit animal is the balance of all the world.
The curiosity of a bear helps them find most of their food. Which is a trial and error method. You can see that this is the basis of almost all human inventions. Curiosity is what drives the human race. Everyone is curious about something. We strive to do things we are curious about, which in terms shape our personality. We tend to do things that inspire us and the things that make us bewildered. A childlike curiosity, it's considered a boon these days because this leads to tremendous results, and of course, there are exceptions to this as well. We need this curiosity which in terms creates creativity. A bear spirit animal it's bound to be curious about the surroundings or people or general things. This kind of personality always wants to aim high and achieve significant things.
The courage, responsibility, ferocity, and never giving up sum up the fearlessness. A bear is fearful and fearless. Where is responsible and is protective towards their cub and its area and is willing to give its very life for the protection which states the fear if something happens to what it loves which makes them all the more dangerous because he's fearless in terms of losing itself if it means said no harms come to it's loved ones.
The playfulness of a child is always adored and is nostalgic to us because there is no time for adults to be like children. Just because of the responsibilities. But the bear is always playful not just the Cubs but the adults also. Even though they are responsible but still there do not lose their childish charm. Which balance out their wild and crazy personality. The same is with the bear spirit animal mentality and people with this kind of personality are always playful and never let an opportunity go by which lets them have a little bit of fun. You cannot be a kid your whole life but at least you should have some aspect of it and try to loosen up a bit. It is important to be playful as it reduces stress which is the byproduct of living in this era.
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