What Does a Bear Symbolize?
What Does a Bear Symbolize? Bear is considered a dangerous animal. It is not a carnivore but it does attack humans when it feels in danger. A native to Asia, the Arctic, Europe, and Russia, we can see bears in two or three colors which are black, white, and brown. We might also have heard the story of two friends and one of them played dead to save himself from the bear and the bear did not eat him. This might not be true because the bear will attack in case it feels threatened. They do not care if the human has a gun or several guns, they will hold their ground for what's important to themselves. Probably the kids and his area. So the bear is courageous, protective, strong, noble, ferocious, curious, and calm. We also use stuffed teddies to gift to kids and to gift them to our significant half on Valentine's Day. The reason is it's cuddly, cute, and adorable. But to define a bear as a spirit animal is what we humans do to feel somewhat similar to this wild animal. If so...