Plumbers-More power to them
Plumbers-More power to them As Jordan Peterson stated that “plumbers do save lives daily”. There are multiple layers to this statement. We utilize water for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, drainage, etc. In short, we need water for survival, and for proper water flow, we need adequate plumbing solutions. Enter the plumbers, who make sure that pipes carrying water are properly serviced and have no issues. In fact, plumbers are mostly trusted around the world as they solve huge problems at crucial times which can make us suffer until they arrive on course. It might be a daily task for them but it is a lifesaver for us troubled people. So let’s understand their role and the whole process. THE BLEED So we humans are quite mean, so we might not invite our plumber for a drink or dinner. But they are like gods to us when we need them, which is when our pipes are bleeding with water. This may be too guilt imposing as we might call them for routine servicing like a normal...